jeasus healed you
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If this ministry blesses you, then I wish to encourage you to consider supporting this ministry as the LORD leads.

Support "to perfect the saints, to do the work of ministry, and to build up the body of Christ" (Eph 4:12 ISV)

You can support / help us in many ways:

  1. Whenever you see a sick person, speak out: JesusHealedYou!
  2. If you know of anyone sick, mentally ill or otherwise please direct them to this site or let us know. They could be blessed!
  3. If you have contacts with Hospitals, Clinics, Ambulances & Aged Homes where the sick need prayer, please help us take this across to them.
  4. You could help promote this site on other search engines, directories, social media sites etc.
  5. Tell at least 1 person a day about this site…that ‘JesusHealedYou!’
  6. If you are a Spirit-filled believer, you could volunteer (from where ever you are located) to help in handling prayer requests on phone. Pl get in touch with specifying the location you are based at & the language (s) you are comfortable handling.

May God bless you abundantly as you give to take the life-saving and miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe.